EarthSky Community Photos

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Ron Haggett
Yuma, Arizona, USA

Equipment Details:

William Optics Z61, f/5.9
iOptron CEM26 German equatorial mount (GOTO)
Canon 600D

Post-processing Details:

20 subs, 10 - 2 minute and 10 - 3 minute exposures; 20 dark calibration frames.

Stacking and adjustments with Affinity Photo and Topaz Labs Denoise AI with a Mac Mini 2020 M1 chip.

Image Details:

Messier 13 or the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules. Fortunately for me it is viewable around 5 in the morning!

Currently the moon is not above the horizon at this time of day allowing for good photo opportunities.

This image is taken from my backyard, Bortle 4.