Gamma Cephei, aka Errai, a future North Star

Gamma Cephei - or Errai - is a binary star system that will one day be Earth’s North Star. It's home to the 1st exoplanet ever discovered.

Fomalhaut is the loneliest star in the southern sky

Fomalhaut is known as the “lonely one” or the "solitary one" because it shines brightly in a patch of sky with no other bright stars. In 2023, Saturn is nearby.

Delta Cephei helps measure cosmic distances

Delta Cephei is an inconspicuous variable star in the northern constellation Cepheus the King. This star helps establish the cosmic distance scale.

Alderamin, or Alpha Cephei, is a fast-spinning star

Meet Alpha Cephei, in the constellation Cepheus the King. It’s spinning so fast that it appears like a slightly flattened beach ball.

61 Cygni – a double star – is nicknamed Flying Star

Compared to other stars, 61 Cygni moves quite rapidly against the background of more distant stars, revealing its proximity to Earth.

Thuban was Pole Star for the ancient Egyptians

The Pole Stars change over time. Thuban was the Pole Star some 5,000 years ago, when the Egyptians were building the pyramids.

Meet Shaula and Lesath, Scorpion’s Stinger stars

Shaula and Lesath, known as the "stinger stars," mark the location of the scorpion's stinger in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius.

Summer Triangle star: Altair is variable and spins fast!

Altair is only 16.8 light-years from Earth, making it one of our closest stellar neighbors. It's variable in an usual way, and it spins very fast!

Summer Triangle star: Deneb is distant and luminous

When you gaze at the bright star Deneb, you’re gazing across thousands of light-years of space at one of the bright stars of the huge Summer Triangle asterism.

Summer Triangle star: Vega is bright and blue-white

There's a noticeable star pattern called the Summer Triangle in the east on July and August evenings. Its brightest star is blue-white Vega.