EarthSky Community Photos

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Helio C. Vital
Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
06:41 pm

Equipment Details:

Nikon CoolPix P900 camera at manual mode

Post-processing Details:

Cropping and removal of excess light performed with PhotoScape.

Image Details:

The photo, taken at 18:41 (UTC-3h), show unusual atmospheric optics phenomena, possibly caused by the second return of the plumes of sulfate aerosols launched in the stratosphere by the volcanic eruptions in Tonga. Their timing is consistent with a 2-week circumnavigation period at Rio`s latitude. The amazing display at evening twilight includes persistently luminous orange and pink patches of light across the western sky, that rapidly change in colors and shapes, ending as a bright yellow arch, usually adorned with prominent crepuscular rays.