2023’s most-illuminated quarter moon is tonight

Some quarter moons are fuller than others! The most-illuminated quarter moon of 2023 is on December 5. Learn more unique moon dates for 2024.

November full moon and Jupiter this weekend

The November full moon will fall overnight on November 26-27, 2023. Bright Jupiter will be nearby. And the Pleiades star cluster will lie in the moon's glare.

Do we all see the same moon phase from Earth?

No matter where you are on the globe, we all see the same moon phase. So why do photos from a distant location sometimes look different from what you're seeing?

September full moon 2023 is a super Harvest Moon

The September full moon - the Harvest Moon supermoon - happens overnight on September 28-29, 2023. This full moon lies between Jupiter and Saturn.

Do you sleep less before a full moon? Research says yes

A new study shows that - whether you live in a rural or urban environment - you might sleep less before a full moon.

August 1 supermoon: Fav photos from our community

The August supermoon was the 2nd of 4 supermoons in a row. Coming up ... supermoons in late August and September. Enjoy these photos!

July supermoon photo gallery from our readers

Enjoy these great photos of the July supermoon. It's the first of four supermoons in a row. August will have two supermoons and September will have one.

July full moon is the Buck Moon and a supermoon

The July full moon – the Buck Moon – falls overnight tonight, and is fullest at 11:39 UTC (6:39 a.m. CDT) tomorrow. It's also a supermoon.

May full moon is the Flower Moon

The May full moon occurs near mid-day today, May 5. The moon looks full on the overnights of May 4, 5, and 6. Learn more about the Flower Moon.

Young moon on April 20: Will you see it under a day old?

Occasionally you get the chance to look for a very young moon, less than 24 hours old. Those in North America, may see one just after sunset on April 20.