Cepheus the King: The constellation that looks like a house

The constellation Cepheus the King is visible from the Northern Hemisphere every night of the year due to its close location to Polaris, the North Star.

Is Ophiuchus the 13th constellation of the zodiac?

Born between November 29 and December 18? Then the sun passes in front of Ophiuchus on your birthday. Here's how to spot Ophiuchus in the sky.

Capricornus the Sea-goat has an arrowhead shape

Capricornus the Sea-goat is can be spotted in September and October, and is formed in the shape of an arrowhead. One Messier object, M30, is found within.

Aquila the Eagle soars along the Milky Way

Aquila the Eagle is home to the bright star Altair, which forms one corner in the Summer Triangle. Look for it in the evenings from July to November.

Scorpius the Scorpion is a summertime delight

The southernmost constellation of the zodiac is Scorpius the Scorpion. It's easy to spot on July evenings from most parts of the world.

Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, in July

Corona Borealis, aka the Northern Crown, looks like the letter C. A dark sky is best for seeing this faint semicircle of stars. It's between Arcturus and Vega.

Ara and Triangulum Australe in southern skies

Ara and Triangulum Australe are two constellations in southern skies representing an Altar and the Southern Triangle. See them on July evenings.

Scutum the Shield is named for a Polish king

Constellation Scutum consists only of a few stars, but it's noticeable in a dark sky because a rich region of the Milky Way is behind it.

3 small constellations near the famous Summer Triangle

You need a dark country sky to see these 3 small constellations: Vulpecula, Delphinus and Sagitta. They are all near the Summer Triangle.

Cygnus the Swan flies along the Milky Way

Cygnus the Swan is a constellation that lies atop the Milky Way. Its brightest star, Deneb, is part of the Summer Triangle.