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Bruce McClure

Deneb Kaitos marks the tail of Cetus the Whale

Deneb Kaitos is the brightest star in the constellation Cetus the Whale. It's at its highest in the sky on October and November evenings.

Triangulum galaxy is 2nd-closest to Milky Way

The Triangulum Galaxy, aka M33, is the farthest object you can see with the unaided eye, if in fact you can see it. But seeing it is a challenge.

Happy Friday the 13th: It’s the 2nd one in 2023

When a year with 365 days starts on a Sunday, like 2023, it's inevitable Friday the 13th will occur twice. In 2023 Friday the 13th comes in January and October.

Double Cluster in Perseus on October evenings

The Double Cluster in Perseus is a breathtaking pair of star clusters, easy to see in October. Here's how to find it in your sky.

Cassiopeia and Perseus on October evenings

Cassiopeia and Perseus are neighbors in the fall sky. Use Cassiopeia's distinctive W or M shape to locate the dimmer Perseus on autumn and winter evenings.

Draconid meteor shower 2024: All you need to know

In 2024, the Draconid meteor shower - also called the Giacobinids - will probably produce the most meteors on the evening of October 7-8.

Gamma Cephei, aka Errai, a future North Star

Gamma Cephei - or Errai - is a binary star system that will one day be Earth’s North Star. It's home to the 1st exoplanet ever discovered.

2nd eclipse season of 2023 is here, with 2 eclipses

There are many cycles in the heavens. We're coming up to a noticeable cycle - the 2nd eclipse season this year - right now. It starts with a solar eclipse.

On the equinox, are day and night equal?

Day and night are mostly equal on the equinox. There's a bit more daylight because the sun is a disk, not a point, and Earth’s atmosphere refracts sunlight.

Equinox sun rises due east and sets due west

The 2023 September equinox occurs on September 23 at 6:50 UTC (1:50 a.m. CDT). At the equinox, the sun rises and sets due east and due west.