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Paul Scott Anderson

‘Bouncing comets’ could spread the seeds of life

Researchers in the U.K. said in a new study that 'bouncing comets' in some planetary systems could deliver prebiotic molecules needed for life to young planets.

Salt glaciers on Mercury could harbor habitable niches

Researchers have found evidence of glaciers on Mercury. They are composed of salt, not ice, and could potentially create habitable niches for microorganisms.

Are Eris and Pluto different on the inside?

Dwarf planets Eris and Pluto are outwardly similar. But a new study suggests they are quite different on the inside, and that they evolved differenly.

Are 2 huge blobs inside Earth due to an ancient impact?

A new study from an international team of researchers says that 2 huge blobs inside Earth came from the collision with the planet Theia billions of years ago.

Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is coated in salts and organics

NASA's Juno spacecraft has found salts and organics on Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede. They suggest that watery brines came up to the surface from deep below.

Rover spies rock features on Mars with odd circular shapes

NASA's Perseverance rover recently found odd circular rock features on Mars, similar to ones made by microbes on Earth in lakes. Evidence of life or geology?

Best places to find ice on Mars revealed in new NASA map

NASA has released a new map of ice on Mars as part of the Subsurface Water Ice Mapping project. It shows all the known and suspected areas of underground ice.

Astronomers spy new auroras for Uranus

For the 1st time, astronomers have detected infrared auroras for Uranus, the 7th planet. They say it'll help them learn about Earth's auroras.

A network of life-supporting rivers for Mars?

Could there once have been a network of life-supporting rivers for Mars? A study from Penn State suggests Mars' rivers might once have been common.

Surprise! Plate tectonics helped create Venus’ hellscape

Scientists have long thought that Venus never had plate tectonics. But a new study suggests it did early on, which created the atmosphere we see today.