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EarthSky Voices

Birds with backpacks to help study Earth’s atmosphere

Birds with backpacks: a new study from NASA's 'Internet of Animals' shows that high-flying great frigatebirds can provide detailed sampling of the atmosphere.

Will humpback whales train us to communicate with aliens?

SETI researchers are studying how humpback whales communicate. This may eventually help us communicate with non-human intelligence of an alien civilization.

The earliest sunset comes before the winter solstice

The solstice comes on December 22, 2023, at 3:27 UTC. Does that coincide with your earliest sunset? Probably not. It depends on where you live.

Could a giant void explain the universe’s expansion?

Scientists think we could live in a giant void, a less-dense bubble leftover from the Big Bang. If so, it could explain the expansion rate of the universe.

Einstein’s gravity and quantum mechanics united at last?

Modern physics is founded on 2 pillars: Einstein's gravity and quantum mechanics. But these 2 theories contradict each other. Does this theory reconcile them?

Audubon Christmas Bird Count signup has begun

The Audubon Christmas Bird Count, held each winter, is one of the longest-running community science projects. You can help collect important data about birds.

Earth’s magnetic field shields us. But it can move and flip

Earth's magnetic field helps protect life on Earth. But the magnetic poles wander, and they flip polarity every 100,000 to 1,000,000 years.

World’s largest optical telescope – the ELT – going up in Chile

The world's largest optical telescope will be the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), currently under construction in the Chilean desert.

Winter meteor showers are here: Top 10 tips for watching

Meteor showers are unpredictable but nothing beats them for a fun and relaxing time under the stars. Maximize your viewing time with these 10 tips.

Mars spacecraft fall silent as red planet goes behind sun

Mars passed behind the sun from Earth yesterday, November 18, 2023. Between now and early December, data exchange between Earth and Mars spacecraft is limited.