Geminid meteor shower 2023: Cool photos!

See the best photos of the Geminid meteor shower of 2023 from our talented community of photographers, from all over the world.

World’s largest iceberg headed toward warm waters

Weather satellites such as NOAA-21 are tracking the movements of the world's largest iceberg, A23a, which is headed toward the South Atlantic.

See the best northern lights photos of 2023

The blog Capture the Atlas announced its best northern lights photos of 2023. You can see some of the best aurora photos in the world here.

Exoplanet art lets you visualize alien worlds

Enjoy the exoplanet art of Martin Vargic. Martin illustrated more than 1,000 exoplanets based on astronomers' discoveries of alien worlds around other stars.

Deep-sky photos for November 2023: Editor’s picks

Enjoy November 2023's gallery of editor's picks of deep-sky photos from our EarthSky community. If you have a photo to share, submit it to us!

Wow! See Mars as ISS astronauts would see it

What if the International Space Station orbited Mars? Space engineers took 3 months to plan this amazing new view of Mars, as ISS astronauts would see it.

Wow! A rare waterspout over Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan

An EarthSky community member caught this rare waterspout over Sun Moon Lake on November 16, 2023. What a catch! Thank you, Bob!

Photos of Venus and the moon November 9, 2023

EarthSky's global community shared fabulous photos of Venus and the moon from their close approach and occultation on November 9, 2023.

Jupiter as you’ve never seen it. Thanks, Hubble!

The giant planet Jupiter reached opposition this week, coming closest to Earth for the year. In celebration, NASA released this ultraviolet view of Jupiter.

Deep-sky photos October 2023: Editor’s picks

Enjoy this gallery of the best deep-sky photos of October 2023 from our EarthSky community. If you have a photo to share, send it in. We love to see them!