EarthSky Community Photos

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William Smith
Venice, Florida, USA
12:30 am

Equipment Details:

Canon EOS 6D Mark II, Sigma 18-35 lens, iOptron Skytracker Pro.

Post-processing Details:

2 frames from my timelapse video, screen captured from VLC video playback and merged in Paintshop Pro, contrast increased slightly and color intensity reduced.
screen shot of each meteor frame viewed in VLC and merged them in Paint Shop Pro. I desaturated the image a little to diminish the reddish skyglow that I get at

Image Details:

I set up for a time-lapse video, 1,000 6-second frames at 15-second intervals. ISO 1600 at f 2.8. Started the video at 23:07 EST. Shooting time 4 hours, completed video is 33 seconds. Clouds rapidly rolled in after I started, and on review of the finished video I had only captured 2 meteor trails before a total overcast set in. I grabbed a screen shot of each meteor frame viewed in VLC and merged them in Paint Shop Pro. I desaturated the image a little to diminish the reddish skyglow that I get at my location, and adjusted the brightness levels a wee bit. Position 27.06, -82.36. Bortle 5.