EarthSky Community Photos

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David Rojas
Pacaya volcano, San Vicente Pacaya, Guatemala
04:40 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon Z6ii camera and a 24-70mm lens.

Post-processing Details:

Basic photoshop editing, noise removal in Fine 2.

Image Details:

The total lunar eclipse at dawn on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The photograph was taken from the Pacaya volcano at a height of 7066 feet above one of the extinct cones of the volcanic complex called "Cerro Chino", around 04: 40 hours. In the image you can see the moon in its total phase with its characteristic red color of a lunar eclipse, above the moon the star cluster of Las Pleyades (Messier 45) and below the Fuego volcano (with lava) and Acatenango.
Exposure time: 13 seconds, ISO 2000, Aperture f5.