Comments on: The Scorpion’s Crown and its stellar neighborhood Updates on your cosmos and world Wed, 26 Jul 2023 22:16:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Give me five minutes and I’ll give you Saturn in 2016 – Diashmond Mon, 28 Mar 2016 09:15:19 +0000 […] Antares is the bright star at the Heart of the Scorpion. To be sure the object you’re seeing is Saturn, look for three closely-knit, modestly-bright stars to the west (right) of Antares. These stars are an asterism – or very recognizable star pattern – known as the Crown of the Scorpion. […]

By: aaron??????? Tue, 01 Mar 2016 08:34:00 +0000 I had not heard of the Crown of Scorpius before reading this. And the Scorpius Centaurus association appears to link the Crown and Antares with the Southern Cross, that’s amazing. The supernova shockwave rippling out causing waves of star formation, imagine what that feels like. Thank you for explaining this so clearly.
Charming, yes, Scorpio iii in astrology (November 12 – 18) is sometimes referred to as the week of charm. My birthday is the 13th. What a lovely coincidence stumbling upon this article. Altho not really stumbling or a coincidence, rather I am following my intuition, because right now the Crown of Scorpius is adorned with Mars, Saturn, and the waning moon, so it’s not surprising that I should find myself here. What can I say? I feel touched. See you around…
