EarthSky Community Photos

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Mimi Ditchie
See Canyon near Avila Beach, California
09:00 am

Equipment Details:

Canon EOS R5 camera, 100 to 500mm zoom lens. 1.4 extender, 22 stop solar filter, and a Gitzo tripod.

Post-processing Details:

I took a progression of photos of the eclipse. I downloaded them using Adobe Lightroom and then put 6 of them in layers in Photoshop. Some minor color and exposure adjustments were made.

Image Details:

I took a hike in See Canyon on Saturday morning to a place where I could see the rising sun. The eclipse started about 8:05 a.m. here and the sun was fully eclipsed (80%) around 9:30 a.m. I took a series of images and then put them together in Photoshop to show the progression from full sun to 80% eclipsed.