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Eddie Irizarry

Watch asteroid 7335 (1989 JA) sweep past today and tomorrow

Large asteroid 7335 (1989 JA) will safely pass our planet on May 27, 2022, coming closer than it will again for the next 200 years.

Watch live as an asteroid safely passes Earth on February 22

Asteroid 1999 VF22 will swing past Earth at a safe distance on February 22, 2022. You can watch the event live via Virtual Telescope.

40 Starlink satellites doomed by geomagnetic storm

SpaceX is reporting 40 Starlink satellites doomed to reentry, after a storm on the sun caused a geomagnetic storm that disturbed Earth's magnetic field.

Asteroid 2022 AE1 poses no danger to Earth

Newly discovered Asteroid 2022 AE1 was temporarily at level 1 on the Torino scale. Now it's off the list entirely. Why? Why didn't astronomers know?.

Photos and video of huge asteroid 1994 PC1. It passed Earth safely January 18

Huge asteroid - Asteroid 1994 PC1 - safely passed Earth on January 18, 2022. At its closest, it was 5 times farther than the moon. Video and photos here.

Comet Leonard in the evening sky

The first comet to be found in 2021 was Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1). It's now the brightest and best comet of this year! Charts and more here.

$5-billion asteroid Nereus flies by December 11

Asteroid Nereus will pass Earth at about 10 lunar distances on December 11, 2021. Scientists will study it. Its potential value is $5 billion in precious metals.

Heads up! Famous comet 67P/C-G nearly closest

Famous comet 67P/C-G will sweep closest to Earth in November. Finder charts help you locate this comet before it leaves for another 193 years.

Asteroid 2021 SG came from the sun’s direction

Asteroid 2021 SG - 4 times the diameter of 2013's Chelyabinsk meteor - passed near Earth without being previously detected on September 16, 2021.

Small asteroid skimmed close to Earth, hours after discovery

A small asteroid skimmed close to Earth on September 7, 2021. Asteroid 2021 RS2 passed less than 10,000 miles (about 15,000 km) away.