Could a giant void explain the universe’s expansion?

Scientists think we could live in a giant void, a less-dense bubble leftover from the Big Bang. If so, it could explain the expansion rate of the universe.

Einstein’s gravity and quantum mechanics united at last?

Modern physics is founded on 2 pillars: Einstein's gravity and quantum mechanics. But these 2 theories contradict each other. Does this theory reconcile them?

Astronomers spot 1st giant stream of stars between galaxies

Astronomers have found the 1st giant stream of stars outside a galaxy. It lies among the galaxies in the Coma cluster, and it may shed light on dark matter.

1st planet-forming disk found in another galaxy

For the first time, astronomers have discovered a planet-forming disk around a young star in another galaxy outside our own Milky Way galaxy.

What the Chinese Zhurong rover found beneath Mars’ surface

China's Zhurong rover has found polygonal wedges below the surface in Utopia Planitia on Mars. Freeze-thaw cycles of water and ice likely created the polygons.

EarthSky’s lunar calendar: How to use this great gift!

Follow the moon! Here’s why you need an EarthSky lunar calendar, the top tips for using it, and where you can order one.

Space Force to track ‘abnormal objects of unknown origin’

The U.S. Space Force wants to track objects near Earth that exhibit 'abnormal observables' and are of 'unknown origin.' Could there be a connection to UAP?

Nearby exoplanet is Earth twin, but hot as a pizza oven

Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope measured the exact diameter of a nearby Earth-sized exoplanet. The sizzling world is too hot for life, however.

Where is Voyager 2 going? And when will it get there?

Where is Voyager 2 going? It's not aimed for any particular star, but in 40,000 years it will pass within 1.65 light-years of the star Ross 248.

World’s largest optical telescope – the ELT – going up in Chile

The world's largest optical telescope will be the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), currently under construction in the Chilean desert.