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Eliot Herman
Tucson AZ
02:33 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon D850 and Sigma 14 mm lens

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Image Details:

Three days of Geminid photography (day before, peak, day after) and watching in Tucson Arizona, with five cameras and over 20,000 photos to cull through as well as watching many hours. My score was well over 100 and counting on photographs that were bright enough to be worthwhile to download and in hours of watching saw about that many good Geminids. No amazing huge fireballs as in some years, yet, but many bright ones such as this one. Sitting in my backyard, on a rotating Televue stool to scan the sky wearing a heated shirt and gloves, down jacket, fortified with hot drinks, it was a nice three nights of seeing and capturing many good meteors. This photo captures something of my observing experience.