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Eleanor Imster

When our sun dies, what will happen to Earth?

A study suggests our sun is about the lowest mass star that - when it dies - produces a visible, though faint, planetary nebula. What happens when our sun dies.

Crepuscular rays: Photos from our readers

Those beams of light shooting out from the horizon or down from the clouds are called crepuscular rays, or sunrays. Beautiful, mysterious and very noticeable.

Comets and asteroids: What’s the difference?

Comets and asteroids both orbit our sun, but usually reside in different parts of our solar system. And except for a few, they're different materials.

1st photo of Earth from space, 76 years ago

On October 24, 1946 - 76 years ago tomorrow - a movie camera on board a V-2 rocket captured the first-ever photo of Earth from space.

1st planet orbiting a sunlike star discovered 27 years ago

On October 6, 1995, astronomers announced the discovery of the first planet orbiting around a distant sunlike star. This planet is 51 Pegasi b.

Sputnik launched 65 years ago

The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik I satellite into Earth orbit on October 4, 1957. Sputnik’s unassuming beep ushered in the Space Age 65 years ago.

What causes an aurora, the northern or southern lights?

The aurora, or northern and southern lights, occur when charged particles from the sun interact with Earth's magnetic field. Read more here.

CME strikes Solar Orbiter before Venus flyby

On September 4, 2022, during a close flyby of Venus, Solar Orbiter was hit by a large CME. Fortunately, the spacecraft was unharmed.

Webb and Hubble see the universe differently

Webb and Hubble images of M74 - the Phantom Galaxy - show how the 2 telescopes "see" differently because they observe at different wavelengths.

Drought around the world, August 2022, in dramatic images

Drought is crippling many regions of the world in 2022, from the US and Europe to China and the Horn of Africa. As waters recede, artifacts are appearing.