10 tips for watching the Geminids in 2023

The Geminids make up a rich and much-loved annual meteor shower that peaks in mid-December. Here are 10 tips for watching the Geminids in 2023.

Observing meteors: Top 10 tips for the Perseids

The 2021 Perseid meteor shower is rising to its peak and many are observing meteors. Here are our best 10 tips for watching this shower, or any other!

Perseus the Hero and a Demon Star

The star name Algol comes from the Arabic for "head of the demon." Come to know this star, and point it out to your friends this Halloween.

Circumpolar stars stay up all night long

Circumpolar stars are those that never rise nor set from a certain location. At the poles, all stars are circumpolar, while at the equator, no star is.

Ursid meteor shower peaks morning of December 22

The Ursid meteor shower always peaks around the December solstice. The dark hours before dawn are best. This year, a nearly full moon interferes.

Find Perseid and Delta Aquariid radiant points

Every late July and August, two excellent meteor showers overlap. Here's how to find the Perseid and Delta Aquariid radiant points.

Come to know the Summer Triangle

Coming to know the Summer Triangle, then seeing it again and again on summer nights, is a deep pleasure that adds to the enjoyment of this season.

Leo loses his tail. We gain a constellation

The constellation Leo once had a tail, a clump of faint stars. Now these same stars are known as Coma Berenices, the hair of a queen.

Big Dipper stars point to North Star

The 2 outermost stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper always point to the North Star, aka Polaris. That's why astronomers call these stars The Pointers.

Achernar marks the end of the River

The bright, southerly star Achernar marks the end of the River in the constellation Eridanus. Many at northerly latitudes make a game of trying to catch a glimpse of it.