EarthSky Community Photos

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Peter Forister
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
03:30 am

Equipment Details:

Canon Rebel t6, Sigma 100-400, 30x 90" exposures tracked

Post-processing Details:

Photos stacked in Sequator, and processed in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. Slight star reduction, color balance, and contrast edits.

Image Details:

This was my first opportunity to photograph the Andromeda Galaxy in 2021! I set up my equipment at 3:30 am on my front porch in Charlottesville, VA, USA and got over an hour of time photographing the galaxy before sunrise. This shot was taken in Bortle 5 skies, meaning that this level of detail is easily visible even through moderately light polluted skies. I'm very excited to continue photographing this object through the second half of the year.